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  • Writer's pictureZia Solis

Protecting Yourself from Online Scams When Seeking Escorts

In my journey as an adult service provider, I've had the privilege of connecting with amazing individuals, each with unique stories and desires. I've also witnessed the darker side of the online world, where scammers target those seeking companionship. It breaks my heart to know that some of you have been through the pain of being scammed before.

I want you to know that you're not alone in this, and I'm here to offer some personal guidance and understanding. As someone who genuinely cares about your well-being and safety, I want to share practical tips to help you protect yourself from online scams when seeking the services of escorts. So, let's embark on this journey together, and let me be your guide in navigating the digital world safely. Your experiences matter to me, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

1. Empathize with Yourself.

We all have desires and its perfectly natural to seek adult services online. If you have been scammed, have empathy for yourself and don’t let the fear of scams deter you from seeking the services of an authentic service provider. An important step in avoiding scams is acknowledging your own needs without judgement.

2. This is a business.

You need to know that escorting is a business like any other, sex workers are sexy entrepreneurs who aim to retain a regular clientele. My income as an adult service provider offering a variety of services comes mostly from repeat clients that I have built relationships with over time. It is not in our best interest to scam you.

3. Do Your Research.

Before engaging with any adult service provider, invest time in researching them. Here are a few questions to ask yourself and tips to keep in mind when researching:

  • Are these pictures real? Try a reverse image search on advertising pictures and look carefully at the pictures for watermarks of the original creator.

  • Do they have a website? Does the advertising and website copy sound authentic? Do they have reviews? Are they active on social media? Find more information by using this Google search: “Provider Name + phone # + city + reviews”.

  • Be aware that genuine providers will have traceable digital footprints, positive feedback from previous clients and consistency in advertising by using the same number or email.

  • Use this link to research and report numbers and names associated with fake providers advertising in Ottawa. If you have been a victim of a deposit scam please write about your encounter to help others avoid the same mistake.

4. Pay for a social booking or chat on the phone.

If you’re considering a long encounter, a coffee date, short social outing, or phone conversation can help you work out whether you get along and confirm that your escort will treat you kindly and respectfully. This is a good investment, as it helps relieve anxiety before the big day.

5. Avoid Unsolicited Offers.

Be wary of unsolicited messages or emails offering adult services. Legitimate providers usually don't need to reach out randomly to potential clients. If someone approaches you out of the blue, exercise caution, and prioritize your safety.

6. Use Reputable Platforms.

Opt for established and reputable platforms when seeking adult services. These platforms often have verification processes and policies to protect users from scams. Your safety is a priority, and these platforms are designed with that in mind. In Canada & are the most reputable platforms for adult service providers.

Scams are a painful reality that we, both providers and clients, navigate with caution and hope. Having been part of this journey myself, I want you to know that you are not alone. The trust and vulnerability required in seeking adult services should be respected and protected. That’s a commitment I share with you.

By following the advice in this guide, trusting your instincts, and showing empathy towards your own desires, you can reduce the chances of falling victim to online scams.

If you would like to know why most reputable escorts require a deposit before meeting please read “Securing Desires: The Intriguing Reasons Reputable Escorts Request Deposits”

As you embark on this exciting journey in the world of adult services, I want you to feel secure and cherished. Your peace of mind matters, and I'm here to make that promise to you. When you're ready to take the next step and discover the pleasures that await, don't hesitate to reach out and book an appointment. Your deposit will be handled with the utmost care and respect, just like you deserve.

Let's create an unforgettable experience together, where trust and satisfaction go hand in hand. I'm eagerly looking forward to sharing memorable moments with you. Reach out today, and let's make your desires a delightful reality.



Text: 613 220 9618


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